Year 5 Gallery

History - Vikings

This half term we have been focusing on the Vikings in our topic sessions. We combined our textiles knowledge with our findings of how they lived to make our very own Viking pouch. We used three main types of stitches to create our pouch: blanket stitches, running stitches and cross stitches. Some of us even stitched our initials on the front using the Viking alphabet!

Spanish Food
This half term, we have been learning how to order different foods and drinks in a Spanish cafe. To consolidate this, we set up our own 'cafes' in class where the children were able to order a range of foods and beverages. Options included calamari, chorizo, Manchego cheese, tortilla and prawns! 


History - Crime and Punishment

To support our topic, Crime and Punishment, Year 5 visited the Police Museum to learn about what life was like for criminals in the Victorian era. We were given a tour of the museum, tried on some police outfits from different periods and even got to experience a real-life prison. Check out our photos!



Our science lessons where we have been making parachutes to test the effect of air resistance. Our task: we had to prevent an egg from cracking.


Place of Welcome

5LB were privileged to be invited to St. Martin's church to sing at their Place of Worship event. We sang three songs: Let it Snow, Sing Up, It's Christmas and Love Shone Down. All the children received a huge round of applause and were complimented on how beautifully they sung, and how brilliantly they represented Greenside.


Art - Ancient Greeks

In Year 5, we have been working with Miss Chesney in our art lessons. These pictures show us doing a mono-print using Greek images.

Sports' Week - Olympic Art

As part of our School Sports Week celebrations, Year 5 took inspiration from some images of different Olympic sports and attempted to recreate these using chalk on the playground. We all had a very creative, sun-soaked afternoon outside!


Earth Day

This half term, to celebrate Earth Day, we worked in groups to choose a sea animal that we could create as a piece of art using plastic that would otherwise end up in the ocean! We collected and used a range of plastic such as bottle tops, plastic bags, food packets or plastic tubs to create our sea creature. We hoped that our artwork could help to spread the message to reduce the production of single-use plastics!

Easter RE Day
To celebrate Easter RE day, we looked in depth at the events of Good Friday and those leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus. We looked at the symbolism of the cross, and we even ate a hot cross bun each.


Music - Ukuleles

Our Music lessons where we have been honing our skills on the ukulele.


PE - Gymnastics

Our PE sessions where we have been developing our gymnastics skills, more specifically, our balancing and transitions between different shapes. The children have loved using the apparatus to show what we can do.


Christmas Dinner at Droylsden Academy

 Year 5 were thrilled to have been invited to Droylsden Academy for Christmas dinner. We were warmly welcomed and the food was delicious. We would like to thank all involved at Droylsden Academy and we wish you a merry Christmas!