Intraschool competitions 2017/18


In Spring 1 2018 The children have been competing in their house teams: Murray, Hoy, Robson and Ennis-Hill at hockey and  obstacle races to see which team will come out on top. The School games values of Determination, Respect and Teamwork have been the main focus this half term. 

Year 2 Obstacle Competition

Year 2 have been taking place in their house teams to dodge obstacles and race to get the beanbags back to their team. Children have also been rewarded and given extra points for showing school games values throughout. We also had a Year 4 leader who confidently helped run the Intra-School competition to help the children and make sure fair play was happening all the way through.

Year 3 Intra School Football

Once again the year 3's competed excellently in all their games with  passion and determination to win on show throughout with the winner going down to the very last minute of the contest. Handshaking and encouragement also happened all the way through the tournament.

Year 1 Intra School Competition

The year 1's competition combined many of the skills they have worked on in PE lessons such as moving and turning with speed, object control,tactics and teamwork to win. They had to get the beanbag back to their teams hoop and hope their team would have the most at the end of the game. An excellent start to intra school competitions


Year 6 Intra School Hockey- Spring 1

After 6 weeks of improving hockey skills and also playing several adapted games that worked on attacking, defensive, passing and shooting skills it was time for the skills to be put to the test in the Intra School Competition. 

As well as some brilliant Hockey on show, children also had to pick the best player from the other teams and give reasons for this and were encouraged to show respect and sportsmanship throughout.

Year 4 Intra School Hockey- Spring 1

After 6 weeks of working hard on improving hockey skills such as dribbling, passing  and shooting it was time for the Intra School competition. There was excellent Hockey on show from both classes and all teams played well. As well as playing children had a chance to officiate games and record results. "It was tricky to referee because you had to know the rules really well but the children listened and took my decision." said leader ES

The children also discussed as a team who was the best played on the other team and why. JJ said " I thought OG was the best player because he found good space and tried to pass to his team" Mr Ellis and Mr Pownall awarded wristbands to two chillren from each class who were showing the  School Games Values of Respect and Determination.

Year 5 Intra-School Football

The year 5's kicked off our Intra school competition with some great footballing. As well as skill on show teams were rewarded with school games wristbands for showing respect. 

Year 4 Intra School Football

Both year 4 classes showed some excellent footballing ability with some very close games in a highly contested league. However one of the most important things on show was our School Games values. Children from both classes were awarded wristbands for showing respect and great teamwork.